
Fear: an unpleasant emotion caused by the threat of danger, pain or harm.

Some fears can stop us in our tracks and our heart starts racing. Having to deliver hard news, public speaking, a noise outside after you’ve watched a thriller and you're on your own. A bear in the forest (that did happen to me!) When you have to confront an issue that you could be rejected or ridiculed for.

Some fear is so overwhelming it takes over and you go into some sort of blind panic, where your breath can literally be taken away.

Fear isn’t all bad it warns us that there is potential danger (like the bear) and that is a good thing, but some fears are irrational or out of context and can be quite debilitating in our lives.

Often, the thing we want to do is not acknowledge fear or run away from it or ignore it. But actually there are often times when we need to look at our fears in the eyes and look hard.

Fears very often are a projection of our imagination into the future helping them to grow enormous arms and legs and stick them on the thing that we imagine is going to hurt us, this projection into the future often renders us disabled. Unable to do the task at hand. Our emotions take over and we are at its mercy. When we acknowledge our fears by looking them in the eyes, we can then begin to look at an alternative outcome. What if our biggest fears don’t come to pass? what if we are able to conquer them? What if we see a new future?

Setting smaller goals to overcome a problem or a fear.

Say you have a fear of speaking in public then break down you goal to speaking to 6 people sitting down then build it up from there to do it standing up etc.

What if you try and you fail?

What is failure? The neglect or omission of expected or required action or outcome.

If you allow your fears a foothold in your life it can be incredibly debilitating, however if you determine to face your fears and overcome them then the feeling of accomplishment and freedom con be intoxicating. Our confidence builds and we become more empowered and happy people our self esteem builds and we live a happier life.