What Counselling isn't

An advice-giving service.

Your counsellor isn't here to tell you what to do.

Instead, Counselling is a place to help you explore the right way for you to tackle the things in your life that are problematic or confusing. It is about helping you gain self-awareness and other awareness. Give you tools for helping you to move in the direction that meets your values and bring you greater satisfaction.

To give only advice would not equip you to navigate future eventualities.

A magic solution

Counselling takes work. Think about it, as individuals we take years to years to develop who we are, what we believe in and establish our way of being, so it stands to reason that it also takes time to unlearn unhelpful patterns and develop new ways of being. Learning any new skill takes time and perseverance. Learning to ride a bike, speak a new language, or drive a car are all awkward in the beginning. But with time, focus and effort, the results can be very rewarding.

Just talking

The stereotypical laying on a couch talking to the ceiling with no interaction from the person sitting behind you is really not the way it is.

We listen and communicate.

Counselling gives you the time and space to say what you need without other distractions. A session with Willow Hill is a collaborative space to look at your unique situation with positive interaction. This will discover a deeper understanding of yourself and your situation and help to see a much clearer path forward.


For some, it can feel that spending the time and money to focus on yourself for an hour a week is very indulgent. This is not the case. There are times it is absolutely appropriate to give ourselves time. Particularly when we are feeling stretched, frazzled or just not quite right.

When an aeroplane is going down we are told to put on our own oxygen mask first. If you don't you will pass out with a lack of oxygen, then you will be no help to others.

Self-care is vitally important for all of us to ensure healthy relationships and a stable and healthy lifestyle.

A sign of weakness

We live in a culture that is so driven and busy. There is an unspoken badge of honour if you are out the front trailblazing, independent superhero. But humans are created to be interdependent and are meant to have people to share deep connections with. This is a part of our Western culture that is missing or certainly lacking. A lot of what will be developed in the counselling room will be regaining that amazing skill of deep connection with others. This could be culturally transformational.